Culture Talk: Caribbean Drinks
"Culture Talk: The Caribbean and its Drinks
Immerse yourself in the rich Caribbean culture with virtual talks about their iconic beverages. Step aboard on a delightful Caribbean Drink journey and explore the wide array of tantalizing cocktails and beverages that this tropical paradise has to offer. Indulge in the refreshing taste of rum-based delights, inspired by the beautiful white sandy beaches and crystal blue sea. From classic Mojitos to vibrant punches, there's a drink for every occasion. Whether you're sipping on a sunny afternoon or hosting a gathering, let the flavors of the Caribbean transport you to a world of tropical bliss. This session will be conducted in English.

Sumérgete en la rica cultura caribeña con charlas virtuales sobre sus bebidas icónicas. Suba a bordo de un delicioso viaje de bebidas caribeñas y explore la amplia variedad de tentadores cócteles y bebidas que este paraíso tropical tiene para ofrecer. Deléitese con el refrescante sabor de las delicias a base de ron, inspiradas en las hermosas playas de arena blanca y el mar azul cristalino. Desde mojitos clásicos hasta ponches vibrantes, hay una bebida para cada ocasión. Ya sea que esté disfrutando de una tarde soleada o organizando una reunión, deje que los sabores del Caribe lo transporten a un mundo de felicidad tropical."

11/27/2024 7:00 PM - 11/27/2024 8:30 PM
7 to 8:30 PM CST
Ages 18 - 99
This session has openings
Registration will end on 11/25/2024 at 11:00 PM.