Thank you for considering donating to the following options.
Campership Fund
Help fund others who can't necessarily afford to come to camp for the summer.
$ | Help support camperships at camp. Suggested Amounts: $50.00 $100.00 |
Facility Fund
Donate to help fund improvements to the facility. Our next project is to demolish and rebuild a new lower bathroom facility!
$ | Restroom Pavilion Fund more infoThe Restroom Pavilion is
anticipated to be completed for Summer 2024 and will replace
the Lower Bathrooms. The facility will have toilets, sinks, showers,
and changing stalls for campers. The upper deck will be a place for day campers to store their things and eat lunch.
Levels of Support:
Clover ($250), Green ($500), Bronze ($1,000), Silver ($2,500), Gold ($5,000), Emerald ($10,000), Diamond ($50,000) Suggested Amounts: $50.00 $75.00 $100.00 $250.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 Comments |
Buy A Brick!
Buy a brick to be engraved with your information and placed near the pool for years! Once you buy a brick, we will send you an e-mail with engraving information. All proceeds will go directly to the facility fund.
$ | Buy a brick to be engraved and placed near the new pool. All brick purchases currently go to help the lower bathroom fund!
A standard 4X8 brick is $100 and a 8X8 brick is $150. Each come with the graphic of your choice.
In the comment section please write what you would like on your brick. Suggested Amounts: $100.00 $150.00 Comments |
Endowment Fund
Donate to our general endowment fund. Funds are placed in a savings account. The interest each year is split between our campership program and general program.
$ | Donate to the Camp Middlesex Endowment Suggested Amounts: $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 Comments |
Memorial Fund
In honor of Camp Middlesex Alumni.
$ | In honor of Dorothy Louise (Cassidy) Sardy, long-time 4-H leader and volunteer. Suggested Amounts: $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 $500.00 Comments |