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Missionary Support
Support Our Faithful Missionaries: Partner in Blessing! Our staff members, like Paul and other biblical missionaries, rely on faith-supported funding to meet their financial needs. If a staff missionary has touched your life or your child's, consider expressing your appreciation through a donation. Use this link to support their ministry with a single gift or a monthly partnership. Your contribution is tax-deductible. Thank you for being a part of the journey! Phil 4:17
$ | Your donation to our staff missionaries allows them to live and serve full-time at Ponderosa, making a lasting impact. Your contribution is tax-deductible, and by selecting a recurring donation, you provide consistent support for their vital work. Comments
$ | Jon David & Sarah Nelson more infoYour donation to our staff missionaries allows them to live and serve full-time at Ponderosa, making a lasting impact. Your contribution is tax-deductible, and by selecting a recurring donation, you provide consistent support for their vital work. Comments
$ | Your donation to our staff missionaries allows them to live and serve full-time at Ponderosa, making a lasting impact. Your contribution is tax-deductible, and by selecting a recurring donation, you provide consistent support for their vital work. Comments
$ | Max & Sherrie Grizzard more infoYour donation to our staff missionaries allows them to live and serve full-time at Ponderosa, making a lasting impact. Your contribution is tax-deductible, and by selecting a recurring donation, you provide consistent support for their vital work. Comments
$ | Wesley & Sarah Grizzard more infoYour donation to our staff missionaries allows them to live and serve full-time at Ponderosa, making a lasting impact. Your contribution is tax-deductible, and by selecting a recurring donation, you provide consistent support for their vital work. Comments
$ | Your donation to our staff missionaries allows them to live and serve full-time at Ponderosa, making a lasting impact. Your contribution is tax-deductible, and by selecting a recurring donation, you provide consistent support for their vital work. Comments