Squash Camp

Summer squash camp is a great opportunity to learn this beautiful game while having fun, making new friends, and improving hand-eye-coordination. Whether your child is a beginner or has played for a couple of years, we will be able to accommodate every player's individual needs. We will be focusing on swing fundamentals/mechanics, court movement, speed & agility circuits, and reflex training with BlazePods (light sensor system). Considering it is one of the fastest sports, your child will greatly benefit from playing squash. It will also benefit participation in any other sport. For more experienced players, in addition to the above mentioned, we will also be working on target hitting, complex drills, game plan/strategy, conditioned games, mental toughness, upper and lower body strength, and yoga & stretching. (Grade 6th-12th)
Sessions this activity is offered
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7