Activites Offered at Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries
Canvas PaintingLeader: Jenny Henningsen || Whether you are super crafty or have never picked up a paintbrush, this is a great chance to make something beautiful with your hands. Explore your creative side by painting a canvas. Jenny is a great teacher and makes sure that you leave with something you’re proud of.
Empyrean Trail Run (requires separate registration)During the 11:00 a.m. breakout time, the Empyrean Trail Run will be happening right outside the retreat building. The funds raised support the camp scholarship program at Carol Joy Holling Camp. If this is a way that you are interested in spending your time, you are invited to register to participat...
Essential OilsLeader: Julie Petersen ||
Essential Oils 101Leader: Julie Petersen What are essential oils? Where do they come from? How do we use them safely? Why is everyone so excited about this alternative to traditional medicines? Baby Jesus was given frankincense and myrrh and I want to learn more!
Essential Oils Master ClassLeader: Julie Petersen I have essential oils, now what do I do with them? Join us to learn effective recipes for physical and emotional health as well as beauty product alternatives.
Exploring Kinetic PrayerLeader: Pr. Breen Sipes || Does your mind ever wander when you are trying to pray? Do you find it hard to sit still, focus, and “do” prayer the “right” way? Join ELCA Pastor Breen Marie Sipes as she leads you in several different practices of kinetic, or moving, prayer, including Praying in Colo...
From Dark to LightFrom Dark to Light: navigating the waters of sadness through faith in God Leader: Meghan Moser This session takes a look at the intersection of mental health and faith. It will be comprised of Meghan’s personal testimony, Q&A, and quiet reflection/journaling time. Meghan will discuss resting with ...
Lectio DivinaLeader: Brooke Garbison Lectio Divina is an ancient Christian tradition of prayer that dates back as early as the 12th century. Lectio Divina is a Latin phrase meaning “divine reading,” where we focus on a piece of scripture by reading, reflecting, responding, and resting – all while slowly letting...
Love Your Guts: Kombucha WorkshopLeader: Laura Anderson $3 a bottle for kombucha in store?! Laura will show you how to make and flavor this bubbly probiotic easily for yourself. In this class, you’ll taste test some kombucha, learn why this drink is so popular, learn why fermented foods are incredible for you, and how to brew it s...
Mid-Day Yin YogaLeader: Kathy Collins || This yin class will be slow and meditative. Composed of seated and reclined poses, each held anywhere from 2-7 minutes, we focus on targeting the connective tissues (bones, joints, ligaments, and fascia.) The class emphasizes body awareness and stillness. While challenging ...
Personal TimeUse this unstructured time to do something that is life-giving for you. You could read, journal, nap, hike, color, etc.
Postures of PrayerLeader: Pr. Breen Sipes || Have you ever wondered how your yoga practice might fit into your practice of prayer? Have you ever wondered if there were other ways to pray beside the church practice of “fold your hands and bow your head”? Join ELCA Pastor Breen Marie Sipes as she leads you in several...
Power YogaLeader: Theresa Guyer || Power Yoga is for all levels. No need for intimidation and the feeling that you can't do this class. We will start with some breath work and gentle stretches/movements. We will go through a series of poses that will build up some heat in the body, and then begin to cool dow...
The Journey Within: Labyrinths & Nature Walks as MeditationThe Journey Within: labyrinths and nature walks as moving meditation Leader: Pr. Breen Sipes When was the last time that you were both truly quiet and truly attentive to this moment? Join Pastor Breen as she leads the group in the use of labyrinths and prayer walks to promote mindfulness. *class ...
Wine & Unwind: Restorative YogaLeader: Bonnie Meyer Have you ever taken an intentional rest? A rest without TV, computers, or even books? Restorative yoga is the practice of intentional rest. Tuning out the world’s frequency, and tuning into God’s frequency. The entire body, mind, and spirit is invited to receive the gift of res...
Wring it Out: Detox Flow with TeaLeader: Tonya Vyhlidal Melt away the days stress with this slow flow yoga class that includes gentle twists to detox the body, hip openers to release locked emotions, and shoulder openers to remove tension. We will end the class with a relaxing restorative pose and final rest. You will leave this c...
Yoga 101Leader: Tonya Vyhlidal || Come expand the foundation of your yoga practice with this session. This session will focus on how to do a variety of basic yoga postures, the design of the yoga class, and the power of the three-part breath. This session will be fun, playful, and enlightening.
Yoga 101: The ABC's of Breath and AlignmentYoga 101: the ABC’s of breath and alignment Leader: Bonnie Meyer Let’s get back to the basics! Join Bonnie Meyer for some step-by-step instruction on common poses, alignment and breath work – all designed to get you comfortable with the basics of yoga. No experience necessary! *class limited to 1...