Below are a list of available documents.
After School DeForest
Camp DeForest (Summer)
After School DeForest
Afterschool Demographics 2023-24The Camp Fire experience makes a unique contribution to building bridges among children from a wide variety of economic, racial, religious, ethnic and social backgrounds. We celebrate diversity and promote understanding. Camp Fire is committed to this understanding of its contribution to building a community which celebrates inclusion and diversity, and so are our funding partners.
We ask you to please complete the demographic information on this page to ensure that we are capturing the aspects of diversity important to us all for a full accounting of the youth and families we serve.
Camp Fire honors participant confidentiality and will only be providing anonymous summaries of the data collected to funders and national partners. Please take a moment and complete the information below so we may continue to make Camp Fire affordable for ALL kids.
Thank you.
Camper Health History
Camper Health History 2025Camper Health History is required once a year. You will need your child's immunization records to complete this form. Once the form is completed, the form will remain on your account until the end of the calendar year.
After School DeForest