Below are a list of available documents.
1 Camper Registration Forms
1 Parent Information
3 Staff Application Details
Employment Reference(1)This form should be sent to an individual who is willing to be an employment, character or academic reference for you. The individual should......
- be able to give us honest and thorough feedback about you in relation to their experiences with you.
- Examples: former employers, teachers, coaches, someone you volunteered for, etc.
- *IMPORTANT* References can NOT be related to you in any way
- You must send invitations to at least 3 different individuals and we must recieved completed forms before we can offer you a position.
If you have questions about who to send this for to, please contact KJ Kelly at or (269)521-3559. Thank you for helping us be sure we are offering the best possible experiences to our campers!
Employment Reference(2)This form should be sent to an individual who is willing to be an employment, character or academic reference for you. The individual should......
- be able to give us honest and thorough feedback about you in relation to their experiences with you.
- Examples: former employers, teachers, coaches, someone you volunteered for, etc.
- *IMPORTANT* References can NOT be related to you in any way
- You must send invitations to at least 3 different individuals and we must recieved completed forms before we can offer you a position.
If you have questions about who to send this for to, please contact KJ Kelly at or (269)521-3559. Thank you for helping us be sure we are offering the best possible experiences to our campers!
Employment Reference(3)This form should be sent to an individual who is willing to be an employment, character or academic reference for you. The individual should......
- be able to give us honest and thorough feedback about you in relation to their experiences with you.
- Examples: former employers, teachers, coaches, someone you volunteered for, etc.
- *IMPORTANT* References can NOT be related to you in any way
- You must send invitations to at least 3 different individuals and we must recieved completed forms before we can offer you a position.
If you have questions about who to send this for to, please contact KJ Kelly at or (269)521-3559. Thank you for helping us be sure we are offering the best possible experiences to our campers!
Employment Reference(4)This form should be sent to an individual who is willing to be an employment, character or academic reference for you. The individual should......
- be able to give us honest and thorough feedback about you in relation to their experiences with you.
- Examples: former employers, teachers, coaches, someone you volunteered for, etc.
- *IMPORTANT* References can NOT be related to you in any way
- You must send invitations to at least 3 different individuals and we must recieved completed forms before we can offer you a position.
If you have questions about who to send this for to, please contact KJ Kelly at or (269)521-3559. Thank you for helping us be sure we are offering the best possible experiences to our campers!
Employment Reference(5)This form should be sent to an individual who is willing to be an employment, character or academic reference for you. The individual should......
- be able to give us honest and thorough feedback about you in relation to their experiences with you.
- Examples: former employers, teachers, coaches, someone you volunteered for, etc.
- *IMPORTANT* References can NOT be related to you in any way
- You must send invitations to at least 3 different individuals and we must recieved completed forms before we can offer you a position.
If you have questions about who to send this for to, please contact KJ Kelly at or (269)521-3559. Thank you for helping us be sure we are offering the best possible experiences to our campers!
New Applicant DetailsPlease help us learn about you by sharing details about who you are, what you like to do and the experiences you have had.
4 Financial Aid Information
4 Staff Packet Forms
Membership Application
5 Partner Organization Forms
Partner Organization Camper Information Form 2025Please enter the name and email address of the Clincian/Caseworker from the partner organization your camper works with.
- This form allows us to collect information about your camper from their clinician/caseworker in an effort to be sure we have all of the information we possible can.
- This form is required in order for medicaid/insurance to pay for a camper camp experience.
- To view the form, click the "view this form" button at the bottom of the page.
If you have questions about who to send this for to, please contact KJ Kelly at or (269)521-3559. Thank you for helping us be sure we are offering the best possible experiences to our campers!
Camp Documents 2022