ACE Policies and Procedures |
Q: | Does ACE require proof of immunization for participation in camp? |
A: | At this time, The Museum of Flight requires all Aerospace Camp Experience participants to be up-to-date on or have an allowable exemption from all vaccinations as required by Washington State law for school attendance. At registration we will collect some immunization information to use in the case of an outbreak of a vaccine preventable illness. The Museum of Flight continues to monitor local, state, and federal guidance and health recommendations and reserve the right to update or change health and safety requirements for camp participation.
Q: | Is ACE requiring campers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 this year? |
A: | At this time, The Museum of Flight highly encourages but does not require Aerospace Camp Experience (ACE) participants to be immunized against COVID-19, per recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local and state health authorities. The Museum of Flight continues to monitor local, state, and federal guidance and health recommendations and reserves the right to update or change health and safety requirements for camp participation.
Q: | What are the ACE Health & Safety Policies for Summer 2025? |
A: | Health and safety are the top priorities of the ACE staff. This summer, we will continue best practices for maintaining a safe and healthy camp environment.
Sick Camper Policy
For the safety of campers and staff, we request that any camper who feels ill or is exhibiting any of the below symptoms stay home from camp. If a camper begins to feel ill during the camp day and presents any of the below symptoms, parent(s), caregiver(s) or guardian(s) may be asked to pick their camper up:
• Fever
• Cough
• Headache
• Sore throat
• Nausea
• Fatigue
• Shortness of breath
• New loss of taste or smell
• Congestion
ACE sick policies and procedures may change based on updated local, state and federal guidance and health
recommendations. Any changes will be posted online and registrants will be notified.
ACE is a mask-friendly program and masks are available for participant and staff use. ACE masking policies may change based on local, state and federal guidance and health recommendations.
Q: | What is the ACE Financial Access Campership Program? |
A: | Need financial assistance? The Museum is proud to offer financial assistance to families in need. To apply, simply fill out an Access Program Application during Camp Registration or email ACE Staff will notify applicants of acceptance no later than June 3, 2024.
Partial Campership
Applicants may request either $100, $200, or $300 to be applied towards a Camp Registration. *A $6 administrative fee is due at registration, and the full remaining balance is due by June 9, 2025. Only a limited number are available. Partial Campership requests are made during Registration only.
Requests are reviewed and approved in the order in which they are received until funding is no longer available. Staff review and approve requests within 14 business days. If your request is not approved, you may choose to keep your registration and pay the full amount or cancel. Should you choose to cancel, any fees paid are fully refundable.
Full Campership
The Museum covers (1) week of Camp, plus Before & After Care at no cost to you. Applications available January 7, 2025. Only a limited number are available. Restrictions may apply.
Full Camperships are distributed based on need. Several factors are considered when determining need, including qualification for several federal or state programs, if a camper is in kinship or foster care, income level, and any additional circumstances that may lead to a financial barrier to attending ACE.
You may apply for Full Camperships for multiple campers in the same household. Applications for siblings will be considered together, though each camper must have an individual application submitted. ACE will work to approve applications for all campers in a household when possible.
Q: | How can I become a Museum Member? |
A: | You can become a Museum Member by visiting The Museum's Membership page. If you become a Museum Member after registering for ACE, please reach out to and we will apply your Membership discount to your order.
Q: | Where can I find more information about ACE Sessions? |
A: | Check out our 2025 Session Brochure for more information about camps we are offering this summer! You can find it on here: UltraCamp Account |
Q: | Who needs to be an 'Account Member' on my profile? |
A: | Only individuals who you are registering for camp or who are a parent, guardian, or caregiver for the camper need to be added as account members. All other individuals who might be listed as Authorized Pick-Ups or Emergency Contacts do not need to be added as account members.
Q: | What is the purpose of the 'Administrative Processing Fee'? |
A: | The Administrative Processing Fee helps us manage the cost of administering ACE and allows us to provide more access to campers who need financial support to attend camp.