Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs |
Q: | Arrival and Departure Times |
A: | Due to the coronavirus we have altered our arrival and departure times so that families are staggered and not all at camp at the same time. You will be sent more detailed information about your scheduled arrival and departure time, but generally this is our schedule.
Arrival Time for Sessions 2,3,4,6,7 & 8 is Sunday afternoon between 3:30 and 5 o'clock.
Arrival Time for Session 1 is Wednesday afternoon between 3:30 and 4:30 p.m.
Arrival Time for Session 5 is Thursday afternoon between 3:30 and 5 o'clock.
Departure Time for Sessions 1,2,3,5,6 & 7 is Saturday morning between 8:00 and 10 o'clock.
Departure Time for Sessions 4 is Wednesday afternoon after 1 o'clock.
Departure Time for Session 8 is Wednesday morning between 8:00 and 10 o'clock.
Prospective Campers may come visit during departure times if they would like to see camp in action.
Q: | Strong River's Tax ID Number |
A: | Our Federal Tax ID number is 64-0621161. We have been advised that residential camps do not qualify for Child Care tax credits on your tax return, but you may discuss this with your tax preparer for more information.
Q: | Is it too late to register? |
A: | No! As long as we have places available we will continue to accept applications. Only sessions that have availability will show up in the list of sessions. Do not try to confirm availability by telephone first. We can not hold places from a telephone conversation.
Q: | How does the Waiting List work? |
A: | If you try to register online and the session you want is full you will be given the option of adding your name to the Waiting List for that session. No deposit will be taken if you are on the waiting list. You will be notified by email if a place becomes available. If your plans have changed and you do not want the place, you may decline it and it will be offered to the next person on the Waiting List.
When will we know if a place is available?
We will contact you if and when we get any changes. Typically, we get most of our changes around May 1st, when the camp fees are due. We also get last-minute cancellations. Some people on the Waiting List tell us they need to know in advance and some say they can pack in an hour. We will give you as much notice as possible and then the choice is yours.
Can we be on more than one waiting list?
Yes. You can be on as many session's waiting lists as you like. You may also accept a place in your second choice of sessions and remain on the waiting list for your first choice. If you accept a place in any session your payment will be deposited and you will be enrolled in that session.
Q: | Am I required to do all of the morning activities? |
A: | No. All campers decide for themselves what activities they want to do and how long they want to do them. We want you to learn how to make choices for yourself and how to manage your time to be able to do ALL the fun things we do at camp.
Q: | If I am ten and my friend is eleven, can we still be in the same cabin? |
A: | Yes. We do our best to honor your cabinmate requests. We will put friends together if they are one year apart in age but not more than one year apart. Usually the older camper is put in the younger cabin but sometimes a cabin has many such pairs making it half one age and half a year older.