Ms. Joy's Beginning/Intermediate Painting Workshop: Seeing the Light
Seeing the Light:

Paintings that have a sense of three dimensional space are effective illusions!

It’s all in the light and shadows! Blending values to define forms is one way to create volumes and space in a painting. Students that have worked with me in art class have been introduced to this concept and we will continue to practice this technique in the fall workshop.

We warm up with demonstrations and a study of a single object. A second still life arrangement with multiple personal objects will follow.

This workshop introduces students to the fundamentals of working with acrylic paints. Learning the basic color palette, setting up the palette, color mixing, brush techniques and proper clean-up procedures are fundamental to a positive painting experience. The five session course is designed to broaden visual awareness and assist in the development of skills and individual expression. A maximum class size of 8 ensures plenty of personal attention.

Guide to skill levels:

Beginning - Students in 6th through 8th grades that have not painted with acrylic paints or have limited experience.

Beginning/Intermediate - Students in 6th through 8th grades that have had some instruction with acrylic painting techniques and have made several paintings.

Intermediate/Advanced - Students in 8th through 12th grades that have had some instruction with acrylic painting techniques and have made several paintings.

Advanced -Advanced -Students in 8th - 12 grades that have done extensive work with acrylic or oil painting media. * These students, after working on class studies may work on independent projects with instructor’s guidance.

Pertinent information:

- All classes are held on Sundays.
- All materials for this workshop are provided.
- Students will be met at the Davern entrance to the school. Please be punctual as we will wait for the entire group and walk up to the studio together.
- If it is necessary to miss a class, please notify me by text at 651-442-1088.
- A missed class can be made up by attending the morning or afternoon session in another week.
- A nut safe snack and water will be provided.
- 2 hours pass quickly and we will utilize our time productively. To make the most of our experience together, students are asked to remain in the studio and adhere to the protocols that are established regarding setup, work and cleanup.
- Please feel free to contact me with any questions at

All classes will meet at the Randolph Campus in the Upper School art studio. Please enter through the Davern Lobby entrance. We are offering fall, winter, and spring sessions, each of which meets on five Sundays.

Maximum enrollment = 8 students
1712 Randolph Avenue, St. Paul MN 55105
9/15/2024 10:00 AM - 10/13/2024 12:00 PM
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Grades 6th - 8th
Registration is no longer available