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High Adventure Team presents Bound for Boundary Waters 2025
HAT 2025 Summer Canoe Trip – Bound for Boundary Waters!
This event is for girls grades 7-12 as of Fall 2025 who are seeking a new travel and wilderness adventure! Ever want to do something others say you can’t? Ever want to go someplace where few people travel? Ever want to really have fun by challenging yourself and people you are with? Come join the High Adventure Team on our 2025 summer trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness!
The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) is 1.1 million acres of federally-designated wilderness in northern Minnesota. With pristine water, clean air, wildlife (eagles, loons, moose, black bears), and hundreds of miles of lakes to paddle and portages to hike across, it is a paddler’s paradise. There are no roads or buildings, with the only signs of humankind being a fire grate and latrine at each of the wilderness campsites, spread far from each other on lake shores.
The BWCAW is a unique area of the country. You’ll see the milky way at night, cook over a campfire, navigate with a map and compass, and enjoy true quiet with no boats, cars, or even airplanes. We sometimes even see northern lights on summer nights. The BWCAW has been described as America’s most popular wilderness, but even in 2021, only about 1 out of every 4 visitors is a female, let alone a teenage girl.
Travel days July 22nd & 23rd and August 4th & 5th. We will spend 10 days canoeing and camping in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.
: Northern Lakes Canoe Base, Ely, Minnesota
**Please Note: The exact date is is now correct.
Cost will vary according to session as well. Event is set with highest possible cost.
Community Experience-see desc. for event location
7/22/2025 8:00 AM - 8/5/2025 6:00 PM
Grades 6th - 12th
Cost (see Description for further pricing):
This session has openings
Registration will end on 5/5/2025.
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