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2024-2025 Homework Club
Homework Club begins Monday August 19, 2024.
San Antonio Academy offers students an opportunity to attend an after-school Homework Club from 3:45 to 5:00 Monday through Thursday afternoons (3rd through 5th graders are dismissed at 4:30). Homework Club is monitored by SAA teachers or staff to provide a quiet space and dedicated time for independent work. The monitor is available for assistance, but is not expected to act as a tutor or reteach lessons.
Homework Club procedures:
• Homework Club is offered beginning the second week of school, Monday, August 19.
• Students should arrive promptly at 3:45 or notify the monitor if they are working with another teacher.
• Boys are encouraged to bring a snack from home to eat BEFORE the beginning of Homework Club.
• Students in the Homework Club are expected to remain for the entire time, unless prior arrangements have been made.
• Students are NOT ALLOWED to use electronic devices with the exception of a school computer for homework related tasks. Acceptable Use Policy for school computer usage still applies. No CELL PHONES are allowed on campus.
If a student needs to leave early, a parent may check him out directly from his assigned homework room.
• Attendance will be checked daily and parents will be notified if their son does not attend.
• Parents should notify the Main Office by email or phone call if their son will not attend on the day he is registered.
• Only a parent may enroll or withdraw a student during the school year.
If you have questions about Homework Club, please contact the main office.
8/19/2024 - 5/30/2025
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Grades 3rd - 8th
Registration is no longer available
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