Emotional and Spiritual Care Training
Who? Pastors, Chaplains, & Spiritual Leaders…mark your calendars!

What? Disaster Response Teams of the Heartland Conference (UCC) and The Christian Church in Ohio (DOC) sponsored Emotional & Spiritual Care training for the first 30 registrants.

When? August 14 & 15, beginning (Weds) 10:30am and concluding (Thurs) 3:00pm

Where? Templed Hills Camp & Conference center in Memorial Hall.

Why? “This training will benefit clergy, chaplains, & spiritual leaders, experienced in providing Spiritual & Emotional congregational care.”

How? Training and materials are being presented by Rev. Fred Meade, National UCC Spiritual & Emotional Care Team trainer.

Because? Because it’s an awesome opportunity to hone your skills, it’s inexpensive, you get to enjoy our beautiful Templed Hills at least one more time, but more importantly…we need to increase our understanding of disaster response…as tornados, flooding, and environmental disasters are becoming more prevalent! Do…Not…Miss…This…Opportunity.
Templed Hills Camp and Retreat Center
8/14/2024 10:30 AM - 8/15/2024 3:00 PM
Ages 18 - 0
This session has openings
Registration will end on 7/30/2024.