RYS JYC Youth Birding Program
Youth Birding for the spring and summer of 2024!

Saturday April 6 9am-11:30am meet at CCETC for trip (Likely Monkey Run/Cornell Botanic Gardens)

Saturday April 27 8:30am-11am meet at Cornell Lab of Ornithology for a Song Sparrow research/banding demonstration.

May 5 Trip to Braddock Bay and possible Montezuma. Meet at CCETC at 6am, return near 4:30pm

****Please note change in date, time and trip***** Saturday June 8th 7 am-3pm meet at CCETC for trip. We will travel to Seneca Meadows to see a demonstration of bird banding, since we did not get to go to Braddock Bay in May. We will then have time to explore around Montezuma as well.

Sunday July 14 9am-12pm meet at CCETC for trip (Likely Shindagin Hollow or another forest bird trip)
Rural Youth Services (RYS)
4/6/2024 9:00 AM - 7/14/2024 12:00 PM
Grades Kindergarten - 12th
Registration is no longer available