School Break Day- On The Move! 10/25/2024 (Ages 13-17)
Come connect with one another and the spectacular wild places around Ithaca! Give your mind, body and spirit the rejuvenating gift of moving through and connecting with the earth, wind and water of this spectacular landscape. Deepen your understanding of local geology and habitat types, plant species, animal signs and tracks, how to read the changing landscape, local human history, and leave no trace principles.

Explore opening your senses while you move as well as taking time to be still and soak in special places. And of course, make new friends who love exploring too!

This is a hiking focused program that will travel to various locations throughout the Finger Lakes area. Each day participants will hike 4-8 miles of trail in a variety of terrains. Drop-off and pick-up will be at 4-H Acres.
Primitive Pursuits (PP)
10/25/2024 9:00 AM - 10/25/2024 3:00 PM
Ages 13 - 17
This session has openings
Registration will end on 10/17/2024.