RYS JYC Fall Youth Birding
Fall Youth Birding Program--
Youth ages 9+ (or occasionally younger with attending guardian/parent) are welcome to join us for birding, career exploration, conservation projects, birdy games and activities and more!
We meet each day at CCETC (Cornell Cooperative Extension Tompkins County) at 9am each session this fall for trips to various bird hot spots.
**Please note that our 10/6 date is a long trip to Montezuma and other points around Cayuga Lake. Youth should bring a lunch that day.**

Youth should bring clothes for the weather, a filled water bottle and field guides/binoculars if they want to. We will have binoculars for everyone to borrow if needed.

Youth Birding Dates:
Sunday 9/22 9am-11:30am
Sunday 10/6 9am-4pm *** trip around Cayuga
Saturday 11/23 9am-11:30am
Sunday 12/15 9am-11:30am
Rural Youth Services (RYS)
Meets Sunday 9/22, Sunday 10/6 (9am-4pm this day only), Saturday 11/23 and Sunday 12/15
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Grades 3rd - 12th
This session has openings
Registration will end on 12/14/2024.