Food and Friends
Food and friends will be a five-week program where youth will be given opportunities to cook, eat, and spend time with friends. Cooking skills will range from food preparation and kitchen hygiene, to using various kitchen tools and learning cooking techniques. Most importantly - youth will spend plenty of time enjoying food with friends.

This program will take place after school dismissal. At 2:20, Elementary youth will meet at the base of the stairs nearest to the main entrance of the school. Middle school youth will meet in the middle school cafeteria at 3:20. Youth will need to be picked up by a parent or guardian by 5PM in front of Newfield Middle School after program.

**IMPORTANT** All programs may include some outdoor time, and all youth will need appropriate outdoor winter clothing. This includes coats, winter footwear, hats, and gloves.
Rural Youth Services (RYS)
Thursdays, Dismissal - 5PM @ Newfield Middle School, 1/16 - 2/13
Grades 4th - 8th
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