2024 Fall Family Retreat Application
Please register each family member that you plan to have in attendance at family retreat! At least one guardian must be in attendance with at least one camper. Additional family members may be registered to join in addition to these two people.

A few reminders:
• Space at family retreats is extremely limited and spots fill up within a couple hours of the application being opened.
• Should spots fill up before you are able to register your family, please email me to secure a spot on a waitlist. If a spot becomes available for your family, I will notify you that space is available and send you the link to register.
Our team is required to have a current background check for all attendees 18+. Once registered, you will receive an email with a link to complete a consent form to run a background check.
9/27/2024 6:00 PM - 9/29/2024 12:00 PM
This session has openings
Registration will end on 8/31/2024.