Raptor Rangers - August 5-9
Raptor Rangers – Seize the Summer!

For campers going into 3rd-7th grades.
Tiered Pricing ($330 - $280 - $230)

Imagine what you might be able to see if you could soar over the Macbride Nature Recreation Area like a Red-Tailed Hawk, Bald Eagle, or a Peregrine Falcon!

Raptor Rangers will explore the wetlands, woodlands, and prairies that are essential to the health and survival of Iowa’s raptor populations. Campers will learn how to navigate natural environments using a map and compass as well as GPS devices. Each day, campers will work toward creating their own new geocache location with a focus on providing hints, descriptions, and handmade prizes to park visitors that help them learn about Iowa’s raptors and the raptors at the Iowa Raptor Project.

Other activities this week will include fishing and paddleboarding at Lake Macbride.

Pick up and Drop off Locations:
Choose from the Macbride Nature Recreation Area in Solon, IA or the Athletics Hall of Fame in Iowa City, IA

Late Stay Option available for additional $45 at the Athletics Hall of Fame.
Macbride Nature Recreation Area
August 5-9, 2024
Grades 3rd - 7th
Tiered Pricing ($330 - $280 - $230)
Registration is no longer available