Wednesday 9:15 Sprouts
Join us for 9 weeks of Sprouts! This caregiver and toddler class is meant to engage our littlest explorers through a different topic each week. We will learn about our goats and chickens along with the environment around us! We always take advantage of what the season has to offer. This might mean stomping in puddles, exploring wind or learning about wild birds. This class is for 2 and 3 year olds accompanied by a caregiver. We will also share tips and tricks with caregivers on how to engage your kiddos in the outdoors and prepare you for some challenges that may arise. Tiered pricing available ($169-$338).
9/11/2024 - 11/6/2024 12:00 PM
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
Ages 2 - 3
Registration is no longer available
Tiered Pricing - 9 Week Sprouts Program
Tier A
Tier A: 50% above the standard cost. Did you know that when you select the "Pay-it-Forward" price for any of our programs the Cummings Foundation matches those funds? A little extra goes a LONG way!
+ $338.00
Tier B
Tier B: 15% above the standard cost. This is also a 'Pay-it-Forward' tier and funds are matched!
+ $259.00
Tier C
Tier C: The standard cost (what we normally charge for each participant)
+ $225.00
Tier D
Tier D: 25% below the standard cost
+ $169.00
Tier E
Tier E: 50% below the standard cost
+ $113.00