Primitive Clay Exploration summer session 9
Campers who love to work with their hands and get messy will enjoy our primitive clay specialty camp where they will learn skills such as building fires, making clay from natural resources found right here at camp, how kilns work, hand building clay projects, firing our creations and painting them! Half of each day will focus on their clay projects while the other half will be spent experiencing the classic ranch activities such as horseback riding, gardening, crafts, homestead snacks, games, and small animal time. Campers will not do all 6 “classic” activities each day but will be able to experience all of them at least once during their week at camp. Limited to 10 campers per session and ages 11-15.
8/11/2025 - 8/15/2025
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Ages 11 - 15
2 males
2 females
2 total openings
Registration will end on 8/10/2025.
Work Trade
Trade for camp situations