2025 Cole's Kids
Cole’s Kids is a Camp Cole-directed Service-Learning Club for children in rising 2nd-7th grades. Cole’s Kids Club teaches children how to have hearts and hands of service through the education of our Core Values. We seek to make our community a better place by creating strong leaders who treat everyone with kindness and respect.

Due to the high demand of this camp, this year we will verify membership in our Cole's Kids Club and prioritize an ACTIVE member's acceptance to camp over non-members. This means that we do have the right to refund your $100 deposit if we need to prioritize camp acceptance to active members vs. non-members. Membership is open year-round and available on our website.

*When registration asks for grade level, please input the grade your child will be going into for the 2025-2026 school year.
*If you are in need of a scholarship for financial assistance, please contact Margaret Deans Grantz at margaretdeans@campcole.org.
8/1/2025 - 8/3/2025
Grades 2nd - 7th
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