Gr 6 Wilderness Ridge Class Trip
This two day overnight retreat for all sixth graders is held at Pleasant Vineyard Ministries, an inter-denominational camp in Camden, Ohio (about an hour north of CHCA).

For the students, camp will promote community, empathy, and a vision to serve one another through loving and compassionate behaviors. Your child will experience outdoor chapels, high-adventure programs, nature studies, challenge courses, a campfire and more! For parents, this is the perfect time to help your child learn to fly solo, under the guidance of the staff and volunteers at camp. The camp is part of the sixth-grade curriculum. If problems prevent your student from attending, please contact your building's principal.

Price includes all meals, lodging in gender-separated cabins with bunk beds, and programming.

Chaperones: Total number of male/female chaperones is dependent on the number of students registered.

Chaperone Responsibilities:
Be at Founders’ Campus by 8:00 a.m. 10/09/24 to load & haul student gear.
Know where assigned students are at all times.
Lead and supervise a group of students through stations and activities.
Setup and teardown of activities as needed.
Consistent communication with teachers.
Enforce the NO electronics policy: NO cell phones, NO smart watches, ZERO electronic devices.
Enforce lights out and cabin safety rules.
Please note: Only 1 volunteer per group/cabin. Friend groups will be split up if multiple parents from the same group chaperone. Groups cannot "travel" together through camp stations.

To be eligible to volunteer your child must first be registered, and you must have fingerprints on file and valid through 10/11/24.

All chaperones will be notified of placement by 09/13/24. Email to express interest in volunteering.

Finally - please pray for God’s vision for this camp to continue to unfold in His design, not ours, and for preparation of the kids’ hearts to “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
CHCA 2024-2025 Programs
2024-2025 School Year
Grade 6th
Cost: $195 ($75 non-refundable deposit with registration; balance on 09/20/24) Includes all meals, lodging in gender-separated cabins with bunk beds, and programming.
This session has openings
Registration will end on 9/4/2024 at 11:59 PM.