CHCA 2024-2025 Programs |
Camps (Athletic) |
FOOTBLK7 - Gr K-7 Coed Eagle Football Camp 4/15 4:30 PM - 4/17 6 PM Grades K-Prep - 7th $60; ($10 Early registration Discount ends 3/15/25; $10 Sibling Discount;Partially refundable if cancelled by 4/1/25 ($25); t-shirt included) | Register |
Fees - Academic, Testing, Parking, etc. |
G912CAR - Gr 9-12 Parking Pass Vehicle Registration G912CAR Grades 9th - 12th $32.50 for MSL HS Building Lot (seniors only), $22.50 for Snider Road Auxillary Lot | Register |
Trips (Field Trips, Class, Club) |
EBL Field Trip |
G1KITCHENG - Gr 1 CHCA Teaching Kitchen and Greenhouse Field Trip 2024-2025 School Year Grade 1st Free for students | Register |
KITCHCHAP1 - Chaperone - Gr 1 Teaching Kitchen and Greenhouse Field Trip 2024-2025 School Year Grade Not in school Chaperones are Free | Register |
GKKITCHENG - Gr K / KPrep CHCA Teaching Kitchen and Greenhouse Field Trip 2024-2025 School Year Grades K-Prep - Kindergarten Free for students | Register |
KTEACHCHAP - Chaperone - Gr K / KPrep Teaching Kitchen and Greeenhouse Field Trip 2024-2025 School Year Grade Not in school Chaperones are Free | Register |
CAESARCHAP - Chaperone - Gr 2 Caesar's Creek Museum and Fossil Hunt Field Trip 2024-2025 School Year Grade Not in school Free | |
G2CREEK - 2nd Grade Caesar's Creek Museum and Fossil Hunt 2024-2025 School Year Grade 2nd Free for students | |
Upper E Field Trip |
G4ISPACE - Gr 4 iSpace Field Trip 2024-2025 School Year Grade 4th $30 per student (includes transportation) | |
KICHAPERON - Chaperone- Gr 5 Kings Island Education Day 2024-2025 School Year Grade Not in school $48 for Non-Pass Holders, $10 for Pass Holder submitting season pass copy to by 4/23/25; NO REFUNDS | |
KINGSISLND - Gr 5 Kings Island Education Day 2024-2025 School Year Grade 5th $48 for Non-Pass Holders, $10 for Pass Holder submitting season pass copy to by 4/23/25; NO REFUNDS | |
G6MATTHEW - Gr 6 Matthew 25 Service Field Trip 2024-2025 School Year Grade 6th $10 (CHCA spirit wear top with non-uniform dress code appropriate bottom) | |
Upper School Trip |
SPRBIGCREE - US Gr 9-12 Spring Big Creek Service Immersion 2024-2025 School Year March 21st - March 24th Grades 9th - 12th $220; Plus money for two meals on the road and optional snacks/souvenirs; register on InnerView to get session password | Register |
US 78 Field Trip |
G7BBBOAT - Gr 7 BB Riverboat Etiquette Cruise 2024-2025 School Year Grade 7th $50 for Students | |
After Care Programs |
Extended Day |
EDPAS - Armleder Achievers 24-25 2024-2025 School Year Grades Pre-K - 6th $11.55/day with 1 day minimum/year; $25 Registration Fee Begins 08/26/24 | Register |
EDPEBL - Lower E Eagles Landing 24-25 2024-2025 School Year Grades K-Prep - 3rd Regular Attendee: $4,177.95/year, As Needed Attendee $28.35/day with 2-Day/Mo Minimum; $25 Registration Fee Begins 08/22/24 | Register |
EDPEZ - Founders' Campus Eagles Zone 24-25 2024-2025 School Year Grades 4th - 6th Regular Attendee: $1,249.50/year; As Needed Attendee: $11.55/day; $25 Registration Fee Begins 11/11/24 | Register |
Extracurricular Activities |
FITNESS - All Staff Fitness Class 2024-2025 School Year Grade Not in school $5 per class | Register |
GPK6DDD - Gr PK-6 Daddy/Daughter Dance 2024-2025 School Year Grades Pre-K - 6th $25 per person (includes Chick-fil-A dinner); Optional $10 corsage | |
Armleder |
WHEATONCOL - Armleder - Gr 6 Trip to Wheaton College 2024-2025 School Year 4/16/25 3:30pm - 4/17/25 10:00pm Grade 6th See Details; Hotel and Food Purchase Required | Register |
Athletics |
Competitive Spring Sports (Grades 7-12) |
BGHSTF - Boys/Girls HS Track & Field 2024-2025 Spring ATH Season Grades 9th - 12th $250 first season; $200 second season; $100 third season; $55 (includes 1 L/S T-Shirt, 1 S/S T-Shirt); $25 late fee starts 3/15/25 | Register |
BGJHTF - Boys/Girls JH Track & Field 2024-2025 Spring ATH Season Grades 7th - 8th $250 first season; $200 second season; $100 third season; $25 late fee starts 3/15/25 | Register |
BHSBB - Boys HS Baseball 2024-2025 Spring ATH Season Grades 9th - 12th $250 first season; $200 second season; $100 third season. $50 (includes 2 baseball hats), $25 late fee starts 3/15/25 | Register |
BHSLAX - Boys HS Lacrosse 2024-2025 Spring ATH Season Grades 9th - 12th $250 first season; $200 second season; $100 third season. $100 (includes annual equipment fee), $25 late fee starts 3/15/25 | Register |
BHSTN - Boys HS Tennis 2024-2025 Spring ATH Season Grades 9th - 12th $250 first season; $200 second season; $100 third season; $90 (includes 2 match shirts); $25 late fee starts 3/15/25 | |
BJHLAX - Boys JH Lacrosse 2024-2025 Spring ATH Season Grades 7th - 8th $250 first season; $200 second season; $100 third season. $50 (includes 1S/S T-Shirt, reversible penny to keep), $25 late fee starts 3/15/25 | Register |
GHSLAX - Girls HS Lacrosse 2024-2025 Spring ATH Season Grades 9th - 12th $250 first season; $200 second season; $100 third season, $25 late fee starts 3/15/25 | Register |
GHSSB - Girls HS Softball 2024-2025 Spring ATH Season Grades 9th - 12th $250 first season; $200 second season; $100 third season. $191 (includes team crew neck, 3/4 sleeve shirt, 2 t-shirts to keep); $25 late fee starts 3/15/25 | Register |
GJHLAX - Girls JH Lacrosse 2024-2025 Spring ATH Season Grades 7th - 8th $250 first season; $200 second season; $100 third season; $50 (includes 1 L/S T-Shirt, reversible penny to keep); $25 late fee starts 3/15/25 | Register |
Fine Arts |
G46TRANS - Gr 4-6 Annual On Campus Transportation Permission Form - for Orchestra 2024-2025 School Year Grades 4th - 6th No Fee | Register |
GPK12PMLP - Private Music Lesson Program 2024-2025 School Year Grades Pre-K - 12th : Fine Arts - Instrumental See webpage for pricing; $45 annual book fee/class; $40/family program fee | Register |
GK6PMLPARM - Private Music Lesson Program - Armleder 2024-2025 School Year Grades Kindergarten - 6th $290 per quarter; Annual $45 book fee + $40/family program fee;Armleder Achievers registration required | Register |
G56TRANSP - Gr 5-6 Annual On Campus Transportation Permission Form 2024-2025 School Year Grades 5th - 6th No Fee | Register |
Theatre |
LINDNERVOL - Lindner Theater Volunteers, Gr 4 - Adult 2024-2025 School Year Grades 4th - 12th No Fee | Register |
G712ONEACT - Gr 7-12 The One Act 2024-2025 School Year Grades 7th - 12th $50 (Gr 7-9 Cast includes costume fee & t-shirt), No fee for Gr 10-12 (optional $16 t-shirt for directors); the $150 Fine Arts Fee is waived for this production | Register |
G912THESPI - Gr 9-12 International Thespian Society Membership 2024-2025 School Year Grades 9th - 12th $35 one-time induction fee covers ITS membership and a print and digital subscription to Dramatics magazine | |
G912NTLIVE - MSL HS Theatre - Academy Night Live 2024-2025 School Year 4/25/25 and 4/26/25 at 7:00pm Grades 9th - 12th $25 (includes short sleeve production t-shirt; the $150 Fine Arts Fee is waived for this production.) No cast fee for alumni, but optional t-shirt can be selected | Register |
CHCA 2025-2026 Programs |
Extracurricular Activities |
Athletics |
Youth Fall Sports (Grades K-6) |
G34FB - Gr 3-4 Youth Tackle Football 2025-2026 Fall ATH Season Grades 3rd - 4th $180: Includes Uniform Pants, Jersey, Pads, Helmet; $75 Late registration fee starts 06/2/25 | Register |
G56FB - Gr 5-6 Youth Tackle Football 2025-2026 Fall ATH Season Grades 5th - 6th $180: Includes Uniform Pants, Jersey, Pads, Helmet; $75 Late registration fee starts 06/2/25 | Register |
Summer at CHCA |
Camps (Academic) |
04ALGEBRA - Gr 7-9 Algebra Preparation Class 6/25 - 7/30 Wednesdays 6/25, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30 2:30pm-3:45pm Grades 7th - 9th $225 for entirely self-paced option; $300 for regular participation; ($25 sibling discount) | Register |
04ALGII - Gr 9-12 Algebra II Preparation Class 6/25 - 7/30 Wednesdays 6/25, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30 11:15am-12:30pm Grades 9th - 12th $225 for entirely self-paced option; $300 for regular participation; ($25 sibling discount) | Register |
04GEOPREP - Gr 8-10 Geometry Preparation Class 6/25 - 7/30 Thursdays 6/26, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31 2:00pm-3:15pm Grades 8th - 10th $225 for entirely self-paced option; $300 for regular participation; ($25 sibling discount) | Register |
04MATHONOR - Gr 6 Math Honors/Math 7 Preparation Class 6/25 - 7/30 Thursdays 6/26, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31 3:30pm-4:45pm Grade 7th $225 for entirely self-paced option; $300 for regular participation; ($25 sibling discount); 6TH GRADE REGISTRATION AVAILABLE IN LATE MAY | Register |
04PREALGEB - Gr 6-8 Pre-Algebra Preparation Class 6/25 1 PM - 7/30 2:15 PM Wednesdays 6/25, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30 1pm-2:15pm Grades 7th - 8th $225 for entirely self-paced option; $300 for regular participation; ($25 sibling discount); 6TH GRADE REGISTRATION AVAILABLE IN LATE MAY | Register |
Camps (Athletic) |
01BKBK2 - Gr K-2 Boys Basketball Camp 6/3 9 AM - 6/5 11 AM Grades K-Prep - 2nd $75 ($10 Sibling discount available; $25 discount if registered for the camp and the league; t-shirt included; Fully refundable until 6/1/25) | Register |
01VB24 - Gr 2-4 Coed Volleyball Camp 6/3 9 AM - 6/6 10:30 AM Grades 2nd - 4th $120 ($30 Early registration Discount ends 4/1/25; t-shirt included; Non-refundable) | Register |
01VB56 - Gr 5-6 Coed Volleyball Camp 6/3 9 AM - 6/6 11 AM Grades 5th - 6th $120 ($30 Early registration Discount ends 4/1/25; t-shirt included; Non-refundable) | Register |
01VB78 - Gr 7-8 Coed Volleyball Camp 6/3 11:30 AM - 6/6 1:30 PM Grades 7th - 8th $120 ($30 Early registration Discount ends 4/1/25; t-shirt included; Non-refundable) | Register |
02BKB36 - Gr 3-6 Boys Basketball Camp 6/9 1 PM - 6/12 4 PM Grades 3rd - 6th $125 ($10 Sibling discount available; t-shirt included; Fully refundable until 6/1/25) | Register |
02BGBKBK2 - Gr K-2 Coed Mighty Eagles Summer Basketball League 6/9 6 PM - 6/19 8 PM 6/9, 6/12, 6/16, 6/19 Grades Kindergarten - 2nd $75 ($25 discount if registered for the camp and the league; t-shirt included; Fully refundable until 6/1/25) | Register |
03G16SOCC - Gr 1-6 Girls ROC-SOC Soccer Training Camp 6/16 9 AM - 6/19 11:30 AM Grades 1st - 6th $75; ($20 Early Bird discount before 05/1/25; t-shirt included; Non-refundable unless a doctor-documented medical issue) | Register |
03BKB78 - Gr 7-8 Boys Basketball Camp 6/16 1 PM - 6/19 4 PM Grades 7th - 8th $125 ($10 Sibling discount available; t-shirt included; Fully refundable until 6/1/25) | Register |
03G16SOCC - Gr 1-6 Boys ROC-SOC Soccer Training Camp 6/16 6 PM - 6/19 8:30 PM Grades 1st - 6th $75; ($20 Early Bird discount before 05/1/25; t-shirt included; Non-refundable unless a doctor-documented medical issue) | Register |
03BASEBL27 - Gr 2-7 Co-ed Baseball Camp 6/17 9:30 AM - 6/19 12 PM Grades 2nd - 7th $115; ($10 Early Bird discount before 04/30/25; t-shirt included; fully refundable before 5/25/25; 50% refundable between 5/26/25 and 6/10/25; No refunds after 6/10/25) | Register |
03SPORTP38 - Gr 3-8 Coed Sports Performance Camp 6/17 1:15 PM - 7/16 2:30 PM June 17, 19, 24, 26; July 7,11, 14,16 Grades 3rd - 8th See Options; (110 Full Summer Pass - Includes T-Shirt and the option for additional T-Shirts for $13; $30 2-day pass; Optional $13 T-shirt; 10 Sibling Discount; refundable before first day of camp) | Register |
03BASEBL89 - Gr 8-9 Boys Future Eagles Baseball Training Camp 6/17 1:30 PM - 6/18 3 PM Grades 8th - 9th $75; ($10 Early Bird discount before 04/30/25; t-shirt included; fully refundable before 5/25/25; 50% refundable between 5/26/25 and 6/10/25; No refunds after 6/10/25) | Register |
04BBKB68 - Gr 6-8 Boys Basketball Shooting Camp 6/23 6 PM - 6/24 8 PM Grades 6th - 8th $50 ($10 Sibling discount available; Fully refundable until 6/1/25) | Register |
04BBKB15 - Gr 1-5 Boys Basketball Shooting Camp 6/25 6 PM - 6/26 8 PM Grades 1st - 5th $50 ($10 Sibling discount available; Fully refundable until 6/1/25) | Register |
07G711SOC - Gr 7-11 Girls ROC-SOC Soccer Training Camp 7/14 9 AM - 7/17 11:30 AM Grades 7th - 11th $110; ($20 Early Bird discount before 05/1/25; t-shirt included; Non-refundable unless a doctor-documented medical issue) | Register |
07B711SOCC - Gr 7-11 Boys ROC-SOC Soccer Training Camp 7/14 6 PM - 7/17 8:30 PM Grades 7th - 11th $110; ($20 Early Bird discount before 05/1/25; t-shirt included; Non-refundable unless a doctor-documented medical issue) | Register |
Camps (Fine Arts) |
01DROPIN - Gr K-12 Dance Academy Drop In Classes 6/2 - 7/18 Grades Kindergarten - 12th $150 for 10 Class Card; $260 for 20 Class Card; Non-refundable | Register |
02STAGE - Gr 5-9 StageStruck Musical Theater 6/9 9 AM - 6/20 3:30 PM Grades 5th - 9th $500 (Fully refundable until 5/27/25; $100 refundable between 5/28/25 - 6/3/25; photo options available; $75 sibling discount; t-shirt included) | Register |
02PAINT18 - Gr 1-8 Paint with all your heART 6/9 10 AM - 6/12 12 PM Grades 1st - 8th $200; ($10 sibling discount; $15 Optional t-shirt; $60 is refundable before 05/27/25; Non refundable after 5/27/25 | Register |
03PAINT18 - Gr 1-8 Paint with all your heART 6/16 10 AM - 6/20 12 PM Grades 1st - 8th $200; ($10 sibling discount; $15 Optional t-shirt; $60 is refundable before 05/27/25; Non refundable after 5/27/25 | Register |
04PAINT18 - Gr 1-8 Paint with all your heART 6/23 10 AM - 6/26 12 PM Grades 1st - 8th $200; ($10 sibling discount; $15 Optional t-shirt; $60 is refundable before 05/27/25; Non refundable after 5/27/25 | Register |
06PAINT18 - Gr 1-8 Paint with all your heART 7/7 10 AM - 7/10 12 PM Grades 1st - 8th $200; ($10 sibling discount; $15 Optional t-shirt; $60 is refundable before 05/27/25; Non refundable after 5/27/25 | Register |
07PAINT18 - Gr 1-8 Paint with all your heART 7/14 10 AM - 7/17 12 PM Grades 1st - 8th $200; ($10 sibling discount; $15 Optional t-shirt; $60 is refundable before 05/27/25; Non refundable after 5/27/25 | Register |
08INTENSE - Gr 2-12 Dance Academy Summer Intensives 7/21 9 AM - 7/25 1:30 PM Grades 2nd - 12th $360 (non-refundable after 5/30/25 at 11:59pm; $25 optional T-Shirt (must register by 7/3/25 to have option to buy a t-shirt) | Register |
10CHAMBERF - Gr 4-12 String Chamber Camp - Full Day 8/4 9 AM - 8/8 3 PM Grades 4th - 12th $325 (fully refundable on or before 07/29/25, Not refundable if cancelled after 7/29/25, t-shirt included) | Register |
10CHAMBERH - Gr K-4 String Chamber Camp - Half Day 8/4 9 AM - 8/8 11:30 AM Grades Kindergarten - 4th $175 (fully refundable on or before 07/29/25,Not refundable if cancelled after 7/29/25; t-shirt included) | Register |
10MERMAID - Gr Pre-K-1 Mermaid Dance Camp 8/4 9 AM - 8/8 11:30 AM Grades Pre-K - 1st $150 (non-refundable; $15 Early Bird discount before 07/06/25) | Register |
10STAGEJR - Gr 3-4 StageStruck Jr. 8/4 9 AM - 8/8 3 PM Performance on 8/8/25 at 7pm Grades 3rd - 4th $250 (Fully refundable until 7/20/25; $200 refundable until 07/28/25) | Register |
10BAND56 - Gr 5-6 Beginning Band Camp 8/4 10 AM - 8/8 12 PM Grades 5th - 6th $150 (Fully refundable until 8/3/25) | Register |
10BESTRING - Gr 5-6 Beginner Strings Camp 8/4 10 AM - 8/8 12 PM Grades 5th - 6th $150 (Fully refundable on or before 08/3/25) | Register |
Camps (Teaching Kitchen) |
01COOK24AM - Gr 2-4 Kids Cooking Camp - Morning Session 6/3 9 AM - 6/6 11:30 AM Grades 2nd - 4th $295 (includes cookbook; refundable before 5/15/25) | Register |
01COOK24PM - Gr 2-4 Kids Cooking Camp - Afternoon Session 6/3 12:30 PM - 6/6 3 PM Grades 2nd - 4th $295 (includes cookbook; refundable before 5/15/25) | Register |
02COOK34AM - Gr 2-4 Kids Cooking Camp - Morning Session 6/10 9 AM - 6/13 11:30 AM Grades 2nd - 4th $295 (includes cookbook; refundable before 5/15/25) | Register |
02COOK34PM - Gr 2-4 Kids Cooking Camp - Afternoon Session 6/10 12:30 PM - 6/13 3 PM Grades 2nd - 4th $295 (includes cookbook; refundable before 5/15/25) | Register |
03COOK58 - Gr 5-8 Kids Cooking Camp 6/17 9 AM - 6/18 2:30 PM Grades 5th - 8th $295 (includes cookbook; refundable before 5/15/25) | Register |
03COOK58S4 - Gr 5-8 Kids Cooking Camp 6/19 9 AM - 6/20 2:30 PM Grades 5th - 8th $295 (includes cookbook; refundable before 5/15/25) | Register |
04COOK512 - Gr 5-12 Kids Cooking Camp 6/23 9 AM - 6/25 2:30 PM Grades 5th - 12th $425 (includes cookbook, bench scraper, measuring cup and spoons; refundable before 5/15/25) | Register |
Camps (Technology) |
02LEGOINTR - Gr 1-2 Introduction to LEGO Engineering Camp 6/9 8 AM - 6/13 11 AM Grades 1st - 2nd $250 ($50 Early Bird Discount until 4/20/25, Fully Refundable if cancelled by 5/19/25) | Register |
02ADVLEGO - Gr 2-3 Advanced LEGO Engineering Camp 6/9 1 PM - 6/13 4 PM Grades 2nd - 3rd $250 ($50 Early Bird Discount until 4/20/25, Fully Refundable if cancelled by 5/19/25) | Register |
09LEGOLEAG - Gr 3-6 CHCA FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Training Camp - For CHCA Students ONLY 7/28 1 PM - 7/28 4 PM Grades 3rd - 6th $250 ($25 Early Bird Discount until 6/1/25, Fully Refundable if cancelled by 7/14/25) | Register |
For Credit Courses |
CHRISTTHOS - Christian Thought and Spirituality (In-Person; Salkil) 6/2 - 6/19 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9am-12pm Grades 11th - 12th $710 (Non-refundable/non-transferable after noon on 2/18/25) | Register |
CREATEWRIT - Creative Writing (Virtual; Howarth) 6/2 - 8/8 Grades 9th - 12th $410 (Non-refundable/non-transferable after noon on 2/18/25) | Register |
ENG12CP - English 12 CP (In-Person; Howarth) 6/2 - 6/30 Monday, Wednesday 8am-10am Grade 12th $710 (Non-refundable/non-transferable after noon on 2/18/25) | Register |
ENG12CPV - English 12 CP (Virtual; Howarth) 6/2 - 8/8 Grade 12th $710 (Non-refundable/non-transferable after noon on 2/18/25) | Register |
ENG12H - English 12 Honors (Virtual; Howarth) 6/2 - 8/8 Grade 12th $710 (Non-refundable/non-transferable after noon on 2/18/25) | Register |
ENTINTSHIP - Entrepreneurship Internship Level 1 (Virtual; Bowling) 6/2 - 8/15 Grades 9th - 12th $710 (Non-refundable/non-transferable after noon on 2/18/25) | Register |
ENTPER - Perspectives of Entrepreneurship (Virtual; Bowling) 6/2 - 8/15 Grades 9th - 12th $410 (Non-refundable/non-transferable after noon on 2/18/25) | Register |
FINLIT - Financial Literacy (Virtual; Bowling) 6/2 - 8/15 Grades 9th - 12th $410 (Non-refundable/non-transferable after noon on 2/18/25) | Register |
MATH - Geometry Honors (Blended; Ewen) 6/2 - 8/15 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 1pm-3pm Grades 9th - 12th $710 (Non-refundable/non-transferable after noon on 2/18/25) | Register |
MATHSTAT - Statistics (Virtual; Ewen) 6/2 - 8/8 Grades 9th - 12th $710 (Non-refundable/non-transferable after noon on 2/18/25) | Register |
OLDANDNEW - Old and New Covenants (Blended; Pohl) 6/2 - 8/8 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9am-11:30am Grades 9th - 12th $710 (Non-refundable/non-transferable after noon on 2/18/25) | Register |
SPEECH - Speech (In-Person; Turvey) 6/2 - 6/20 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9am-11am Grades 10th - 12th $410 (Non-refundable/non-transferable after noon on 2/18/25) | Register |
SPEECHPM - Speech (In-Person; Turvey) - Afternoon Session 6/2 - 6/20 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12pm-2pm Grades 10th - 12th $410 (Non-refundable/non-transferable after noon on 2/18/25) | Register |
BALLROOM - Ballroom Dance Arts & Movement (In-Person; Bailey) 6/4 - 6/27 Wednesday, Friday 9am-12pm Grades 9th - 12th $410 (Non-refundable/non-transferable after noon on 2/18/25) | Register |
NEWTEST - New Testament Survey (Blended; Dongell) 6/4 - 7/9 Wednesday 9am-1pm Grade 10th $710 (Non-refundable/non-transferable after noon on 2/18/25) | Register |
WORLDRELG - Intro to World Religions (Blended; Dongell) 6/4 - 6/30 Grades 10th - 12th $410 (Non-refundable/non-transferable after noon on 2/18/25) | Register |
GOVERNMENT - Government (Blended; Robeson) 6/11 - 8/6 June: Wednesdays 10-11:30am; July: Virtual; August: First 2 Wednesdays 10-11:30am Grades 10th - 12th $410 (Non-refundable/non-transferable after noon on 2/18/25) | Wait List |