Creative Construction
Students will have an opportunity to create with recycled materials and bring home their creations. With the inspiration of some fun books, students will get to build whatever they can imagine. A teacher will help them figure out techniques and materials to help their vision come alive and also be on hand to help hold, glue, and rip duct tape as needed to assemble the creations.


October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
November 7

11/21 (Makeup date) - as needed
Thursdays fall (6 sessions 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31, 11/7)
3:15 - 4:15
Grades Kindergarten - 4th
Registration is no longer available
Additional Fees:
Material Fee ($10)$10.00
Auxiliary Programs: Sibling Ex-Day
Sibling Ex-Day
Please select this option if you plan to enroll a student's FCS sibling in Ex-Day during the duration of the Auxiliary program.
+ $51.00
Auxiliary Discount (Ex-Day)
$8.5 discount per session due to dual enrollment in Ex-Day. The actual amount will depend on the total number of sessions. Please only select this if you are currently enrolled or plan to enroll in Ex-Day during the Auxiliary Program seasons. This discount will be reviewed at the end of the Auxiliary Program by an Administrator before it is approved and a credit will be applied to your Ultracamp account.