Beginner Guitar
This beginner class is meant for students with little or no experience learning guitar. Students will learn the parts of the guitar, the names of the strings, tuning, and basic technique with fingers and using a pick. Students will learn “one string licks” as well as some basic chords. Students will in time be able to play simple songs and accompany themselves or others in song.

Students are required to bring an acoustic guitar for lessons that they can also use to practice at home.


October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
November 7, 21
December 5, 12

11/14 Noon Dismissal PTC
11/28 Thanksgiving Break
Thursdays: 10/03/24-12/12/24 (9 Sessions)
3:30 - 4:30
Grades 4th - 8th
Registration is no longer available
Auxiliary Programs: Sibling Ex-Day
Sibling Ex-Day
Please select this option if you plan to enroll a student's FCS sibling in Ex-Day during the duration of the Auxiliary program.
+ $114.75
Auxiliary Discount (Ex-Day)
$8.5 discount per session due to dual enrollment in Ex-Day. The actual amount will depend on the total number of sessions. Please only select this if you are currently enrolled or plan to enroll in Ex-Day during the Auxiliary Program seasons. This discount will be reviewed at the end of the Auxiliary Program by an Administrator before it is approved and a credit will be applied to your Ultracamp account.