Young Adult Retreat
It has been years since Living Waters has hosted a young adult weekend. The need for quality training and godly fellowship for young people is clear. This age group is under assault by our culture and society. God’s calling for believers is to be Salt and Light in a dark world.

Join us for this specially designed weekend to give you the strength and knowledge you need to meet the needs of your world. The schedule each day will include fellowship, recreation, and in-depth Bible study.

The purpose of the Young Adult Retreat is to provide an environment for young adults to grow in their faith and friendships. It is designed for those 18 years old and up, single or married without children. We respectfully request those under the age of 18 not attend.
10/25/2024 6:00 PM - 10/27/2024 12:00 PM
Ages 18 - 35
$125 if registered by Sept. 30th, $150 after Sept 30th
This session has openings
Registration will end on 10/24/2024.
Have a blast enjoying this fast-paced sport that emphasizes different aspects of our walk with Christ such as: Spiritual Warfare, Protecting one another, and Teambuilding. Living Waters has all the equipment your group will need to play: guns, hoppers, balls, and safety masks.
Timely Registration Discount$25.00 / per person