Father/Son Retreat
The Father Son Retreat is designed as a special, one on one time between Fathers and Sons. Our goal is for you to develop a deeper relationship with your Heavenly Father and grow in your role as a father to your son or sons. We will do this through rich Bible teaching and fun in God’s creation!
1/17/2025 6:00 PM - 1/19/2025 12:00 PM
Ages 6 - 99
13-Adults: $138; 6-12 Years Old $118
This session has openings
Registration will end on 1/17/2025 at 6:00 PM.
Special Food Needs
Group Special Food Needs
Please select this option and specify the number of campers who will need this option while attending camp.
+ $12.50
Off Site Housing
If you will not be staying on grounds at LWBC but attending the retreat.