Youth Winter Retreat
Enjoy a weekend retreat designed to uplift and encourage your church youth group. This retreat will include time for group games, worship sessions, and other indoor and outdoor camp activities. The Youth Winter Retreat is perfect for churches with smaller youth groups looking for a fun and meaningful retreat.
1/17/2025 6:30 PM - 1/19/2025 11:00 AM
$95 per student, $25 per leader
This session has openings
People Attending
# of Male Students Attending
Enter the number of male youth attending with your group.
+ $95.00
# of Female Students Attending
Enter the number of female youth attending with your group.
+ $95.00
# of Male Leaders Attending (Age 21+)
Enter the number of male youth leaders attending. Leaders should be 21 years or older.
+ $25.00
# of Female Leaders Attending (age 21+)
Enter the number of female leaders attending with your youth group. Leaders should be age 21 or older.
+ $95.00