World Religions- For Credit- Session 2
World Religions*
Grades: 11 -12
Orientation for all Sessions: Week of May 19th
Session 2 Dates: July 7th - August 6th

World Religions is a comparative study of Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. The central theme of the course is that, despite their significant differences, these religions share a basic conception of the divinity and of humanity, namely, that God—whether Allah, Brahman, or the Dharmakaya of Buddha—is the one infinite source of everything: absolute, transcendent, eternal, and uncaused; and that human beings are finite instances of the divine reality. Of special importance are the related ideas of God as perfect love and of humans—in their interpersonal relationships—as reflections of that love. The principal goals of World Religions are for students to develop a deeper understanding of both their own religion and those of their neighbors, and for them to come to appreciate how much the different religions have in common.

This class fulfills the 11th grade religious studies requirement.

Attendance Expectations & Requirements
Each section of World Religions has SEVEN in-person class meetings scheduled. Students are encouraged to attend all class meetings, and are REQUIRED to attend at least FIVE meetings. Classes require in-person attendance at the Midway campus.

This summer, our World Religions course will be offered in three sections to accommodate busy travel schedules and create smaller classroom experiences. In the first summer session, Dr. Brad Blue will teach one section (May 29th - June 27th) and Mr. Andre Serralde will teach a second section (June 3rd - June 30th). Mr. Serralde will offer a third section of World Religions in the second half of the summer (July 10th - August 5th).
• Students are required to attend only the class meetings offered by the instructor of their registration in order to meet the attendance requirements.
• Students should not plan to attend sessions they are not enrolled in unless they have coordinated an alternative plan (in writing) with Dr. Morgan and their course instructor.

Students must complete and turn in an attendance plan to the instructors showing how they plan to meet the minimum attendance requirements.

Session 2 with Mr. Andre Serralde (Must attend FIVE sessions)
Thursday, July 10th (10:30-12:00)
Tuesday, July 15th (10:30-12:00)
Thursday, July 17th (10:30-12:00)
Tuesday, July 22nd (10:30-12:00)
Thursday, July 24th (10:30-12:00)
Tuesday, July 29th (10:30-12:00)
Thursday, July 31st (10:30-12:00)
Final date for all Coursework - Tuesday, August 5th at midnight

**Please note that the early registration discount does not apply to this camp.

Instructor: Andre Serralde
Parish Episcopal School - Midway Campus
7/10/2025 - 8/5/2025 11:00 PM
Grades 11th - 12th
This session has openings
Registration will end on 8/6/2025 at 11:00 PM.