Timed Writing, Essays, & Summer Reading Tutoring
Timed Writing, Essays, & Summer Reading Tutoring
Grades 9th-12th

Worried about your first Timed Writing of the school year? Having trouble getting through your Summer Reading? Or just need extra support working through that college essay? Sign up for our one-on-one tutoring to start the school year strong! Students can get one-on-one tutoring with a talented Parish alum who is ready to partner with them in all aspects of the humanities. JOur tutors are offering one-on-one sessions to help students prepare for Timed Writings in English, strategize for DBQs in History, and analyze their required Summer Reading. Together, they will practice the chosen area of focus and review key concepts along the way!
Tutoring sessions are on the Midway campus and available for all levels of English, Social Studies, and writing in general. Once registered, we'll send you a link to a Google Calendar so you can schedule your sessions!
Instructor: Beckham Thompkins, Parish alum, class of 2025

Parish Episcopal School - Midway Campus
7/21/2025 - 8/8/2025 11:00 PM
Grades 9th - 12th
This session has openings
Registration will end on 8/7/2025.