Summer Mom & Me (2 night)
Mom & Me Camp is a special two night camp to spend quality time with your Girl Scout, learning about what we do at camp! You and your girl will make memories together doing camp activities like archery, crafts, hiking, and more. Mothers (or other significant adult female role model) and daughters will sleep together in a cabin with another family.
Camp Trico
7/22/2024 - 7/24/2024
Ages 5 and up
Fee covers: meals, activities and lodging
Registration is no longer available
Trico Activities
Bat Cave Cruise Add-On
Girls who sign up for this cruise will travel with our boat captain and another adult to the bat cave near Camp Trico.
To accomodate all girls who sign up, this cruise will be done on 3 different nights, so everyone will not go at the same time. This is also weather dependant.
They will leave camp just before sunset, so that they arrive at the cave at sunset.
This cruise is about 2 hours long.
At sunset, the bats fly out of the cave and the girls can watch them fly out of the cave! How exciting!
This cruise has limited capacity at 30 girls.
A parent permission slip MUST be signed in order to go on this cruise. That must be turned in at check in.
+ $35.00