2025 Spring Family Conference
Family Camp is a time that your whole family can enjoy a weekend away at beautiful TBC. You will get a chance to enjoy our many activites and exciting times of fellowship with other families from around the Bristol Bay area.

The weekend includes special times of worship and teachig from God's Word. You will have time to explore parts of Lake Clark National Park with a hike to the awesome Tanalian Falls. Use our canoes to paddle and fish in Hardenburg Bay. Enjoy a relaxing cup of coffee while visiting with friends.

Children's progams are conducted during the adult sessions, led by Child Evangelism Fellowship's well-trained team of volunteers.
4/4/2025 - 4/6/2025 5:00 PM
$110 age 12 and up/$55 age 3-11/$330 max per family
This session has openings
Registration will end on 3/30/2025.