Crossing 4
Crossing is for middle and high school students. Each retreat is designed to be evangelistic in nature, meaning that the gospel will be clearly presented during the weekend and students will be given the opportunity to respond. Activities are designed so that non-church kids feel completely comfortable and have a blast!

Students register for and attend this retreat with their youth group. It's a great opportunity for kids to become familiar with other students and leaders in their group. From the speaker, to worship, to the activities it is a great way to kick-off your fall ministry at church.
11/8/2024 7:00 PM - 11/10/2024 12:00 PM
Grades 5th - 12th
$150 per student and $103 per leader

Registration will end on 10/31/2024.
Additional Options
Youth Leader Awareness Training
As of Fall 2022, we ask that every leader or volunteer with each group completes MinistrySafe or an equivalent sexual abuse awareness training. Certificate is valid for 3 years.

Trout requires all adults attending on-grounds events to complete sexual abuse awareness training every 3 years. It is better (and cheaper!) to purchase the training through Ministry Safe directly. Please use this link for more information

If you choose to purchase the training through Trout, the training and test will be emailed to you. If you would like training for additional people please contact Trout Lake Camps directly.
+ $20.00
Youth Retreat Attendees
Number of Female Students+ $150.00
Number of Male Students+ $150.00
Youth Retreat Leaders
Number of Female Leaders+ $103.00
Number of Male Leaders+ $103.00