Young Ninjas: Loyal Monkey (TK - 1st)
The monkey swoops through the trees as if easily swimming through the air. The effortless sense of flow the monkey shows, displays his sense of loyalty to the jungle, and the environment in which he lives. In order to earn your blue headband, you must learn to be loyal to your environment, for it is your environment that gives you the power to succeed.

Young Ninjas is a high-energy program introducing children to fundamental martial arts elements, like blocks, kicks, strikes, and the all important KI-YAH! Through skill training, fun games, creative challenges, and Pad work on foam targets, children develop self-confidence and learn to enjoy being physically active in a non-contact setting. KI-YAH!

Instructor: Young Ninjas

Min. 7 Students
Max. 14 Students

Wednesdays 3:05 PM - 4:05 PM
Village School After School Enrichment
9/18/2024 - 11/20/2024
3:05 PM - 4:05 PM
Grades Pre-K - 1st
Registration is no longer available