Session 4 - Teen Lead 2 (Part 1)
Teen Leadership 2:
A 2 week intensive program that takes the skills introduced in Teen 1 to the next level. Campers shadow counselors and other camp staff, lead activities, form relationships with staff and campers and use skills they learned during Teen Lead 1 and other teen programs at Westwind. At the completion of the Teen 2 program, the campers will receive an evaluation based on their two week session. Teen 2 is an excellent way to enhance and develop self-confidence, self-awareness, communication skills, tolerance for adversity, and a personal leadership style while being challenged and developing close friendships.

This program requires completion of Teen Lead 1 and an application followed by an interview.

The program is limited to 12 campers by invitation only.
7/20/2025 - 7/25/2025
Grades 10th - 12th
Registration opens on 3/21/2025 at 12:00 AM