Brain Games and STEM Activities (Thursdays) Fall S2
Join former G/T Director Suzy Brooks in an invigorating class designed to foster higher level thinking. Curriculum will consist of a diverse assortment of strategic memory and knowledge games, puzzles, and hands-on manipulatives. Group discussions will use books and props investigating the physical properties of humans, insects and animals while children do their best imitations of each. Friendly team competition encourages patience, cooperation and self-regulation (don’t yell out the answer to the card when it’s the other teams turn or they get the point!). Engineering manipulatives help children create solutions to problems and test their solutions. The bizarre x-rays of certain creatures in the animal kingdom both enthrall them and send them into fits of laughter. This class is offered all year. Activities are rotated and vary with each session with new games added as well as favorites repeated with the new dynamic of each different group.
After-School Enrichment 2024-25
10/24/2024 2:30 PM - 12/12/2024 3:25 PM
2:30 PM - 3:25 PM
Grades Pre-K - Kindergarten
Suzanne Brooks
This session has openings
Registration will end on 10/24/2024 at 7:00 AM.