Take an out-of-this-world journey through outer space and explore the universe’s wonders. Explore the fascinating secrets of the solar system, home to more than just planets. Learn how to measure the distance to stars and “hunt” for exoplanets like a real astrophysicist. Create a timeline for a star and understand how the sun compares in color, size, and age to other stars in the universe.

Through many hands-on activities, discover the shape of the universe, how we analyze both the light and dark spaces of the universe, and how relativity works and when it matters. Our universe’s beauty and grandness will open new doors to our imagination and mind.

This is a 4 day long camp. No camp January 1
140 Balboa Street (main studio)
12/30/2024 - 1/3/2025
4 day week 9am to 4pm
Grades 3rd - 5th
This session has openings
Registration will end on 12/30/2024.
Extended Care
Weekly Till 5:30 pm
Register for all five days and receive a discount. $35 per afternoon if ad hoc.
+ $110.00
Multi-Session Discount
Sign up for two total sessions or two siblings sign up for one session during the summer of 2024 and you'll get $25 off both sessions!