CHCA 2024-2025 Programs |
Extracurricular Activities |
FITNESS - All Staff Fitness Class 2024-2025 School Year Grade Not in school $5 per class | Register |
GPK6DDD - Gr PK-6 Daddy/Daughter Dance 2024-2025 School Year Grades Pre-K - 6th $25 per person (includes Chick-fil-A dinner); Optional $10 corsage | |
Armleder |
WHEATONCOL - Armleder - Gr 6 Trip to Wheaton College 2024-2025 School Year 4/16/25 3:30pm - 4/17/25 10:00pm Grade 6th See Details; Hotel and Food Purchase Required | Register |
Athletics |
Competitive Spring Sports (Grades 7-12) |
BGHSTF - Boys/Girls HS Track & Field 2024-2025 Spring ATH Season Grades 9th - 12th $250 first season; $200 second season; $100 third season; $55 (includes 1 L/S T-Shirt, 1 S/S T-Shirt); $25 late fee starts 3/15/25 | Register |
BGJHTF - Boys/Girls JH Track & Field 2024-2025 Spring ATH Season Grades 7th - 8th $250 first season; $200 second season; $100 third season; $25 late fee starts 3/15/25 | Register |
BHSBB - Boys HS Baseball 2024-2025 Spring ATH Season Grades 9th - 12th $250 first season; $200 second season; $100 third season. $50 (includes 2 baseball hats), $25 late fee starts 3/15/25 | Register |
BHSLAX - Boys HS Lacrosse 2024-2025 Spring ATH Season Grades 9th - 12th $250 first season; $200 second season; $100 third season. $100 (includes annual equipment fee), $25 late fee starts 3/15/25 | Register |
BHSTN - Boys HS Tennis 2024-2025 Spring ATH Season Grades 9th - 12th $250 first season; $200 second season; $100 third season; $90 (includes 2 match shirts); $25 late fee starts 3/15/25 | |
BJHLAX - Boys JH Lacrosse 2024-2025 Spring ATH Season Grades 7th - 8th $250 first season; $200 second season; $100 third season. $50 (includes 1S/S T-Shirt, reversible penny to keep), $25 late fee starts 3/15/25 | Register |
GHSLAX - Girls HS Lacrosse 2024-2025 Spring ATH Season Grades 9th - 12th $250 first season; $200 second season; $100 third season, $25 late fee starts 3/15/25 | Register |
GHSSB - Girls HS Softball 2024-2025 Spring ATH Season Grades 9th - 12th $250 first season; $200 second season; $100 third season. $191 (includes team crew neck, 3/4 sleeve shirt, 2 t-shirts to keep); $25 late fee starts 3/15/25 | Register |
GJHLAX - Girls JH Lacrosse 2024-2025 Spring ATH Season Grades 7th - 8th $250 first season; $200 second season; $100 third season; $50 (includes 1 L/S T-Shirt, reversible penny to keep); $25 late fee starts 3/15/25 | Register |
Fine Arts |
G46TRANS - Gr 4-6 Annual On Campus Transportation Permission Form - for Orchestra 2024-2025 School Year Grades 4th - 6th No Fee | Register |
GPK12DANCE - Gr PK-12 Dance Academy 2024-2025 School Year Grades Pre-K - 12th Cost is based on program fees + instructional hours enrolled. ($25 non-refundable registration fee; see website for other financial policies.) | Register |
GPK12PMLP - Private Music Lesson Program 2024-2025 School Year Grades Pre-K - 12th : Fine Arts - Instrumental See webpage for pricing; $45 annual book fee/class; $40/family program fee | Register |
GK6PMLPARM - Private Music Lesson Program - Armleder 2024-2025 School Year Grades Kindergarten - 6th $290 per quarter; Annual $45 book fee + $40/family program fee;Armleder Achievers registration required | Register |
G56TRANSP - Gr 5-6 Annual On Campus Transportation Permission Form 2024-2025 School Year Grades 5th - 6th No Fee | Register |
Theatre |
LINDNERVOL - Lindner Theater Volunteers, Gr 4 - Adult 2024-2025 School Year Grades 4th - 12th No Fee | Register |
G712ONEACT - Gr 7-12 The One Act 2024-2025 School Year Grades 7th - 12th $50 (Gr 7-9 Cast includes costume fee & t-shirt), No fee for Gr 10-12 (optional $16 t-shirt for directors); the $150 Fine Arts Fee is waived for this production | Register |
G912THESPI - Gr 9-12 International Thespian Society Membership 2024-2025 School Year Grades 9th - 12th $35 one-time induction fee covers ITS membership and a print and digital subscription to Dramatics magazine | |
G912NTLIVE - MSL HS Theatre - Academy Night Live 2024-2025 School Year 4/25/25 and 4/26/25 at 7:00pm Grades 9th - 12th $25 (includes short sleeve production t-shirt; the $150 Fine Arts Fee is waived for this production.) No cast fee for alumni, but optional t-shirt can be selected | Register |
CHCA 2025-2026 Programs |
Extracurricular Activities |
Athletics |
Youth Fall Sports (Grades K-6) |
G34FB - Gr 3-4 Youth Tackle Football 2025-2026 Fall ATH Season Grades 3rd - 4th $180: Includes Uniform Pants, Jersey, Pads, Helmet; $75 Late registration fee starts 06/2/25 | Register |
G56FB - Gr 5-6 Youth Tackle Football 2025-2026 Fall ATH Season Grades 5th - 6th $180: Includes Uniform Pants, Jersey, Pads, Helmet; $75 Late registration fee starts 06/2/25 | Register |