Privacy Policy
Wilmington Montessori School (“WMS”) is deeply committed to protecting and respecting the personal privacy of those who visit the WMS website ( (referred to as the “Website” herein), as well as the privacy of WMS students (in accordance with the Photo/Video Agreement signed by our families). The WMS Privacy Policy, in combination with our Website Terms and Conditions, describes the types of information collected by the Website, how this data is used and the conditions under which it is made available to third parties.

Information is collected only when it is in the interest of the user to provide it, and it is used only for the purpose it was provided. It is WMS’s policy to acquire personal information from users only by overt and voluntary means.

The Website contains links to other sites. While WMS makes every effort to ensure that linked sites and their content are reputable, WMS is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of such Websites.

Policy Modifications/Deviations
WMS may modify this Privacy Policy at any time and post the revised version here. If the privacy policy changes in the future, WMS will not, without your consent, use any information submitted to us under the current Privacy Policy in a manner that is materially inconsistent with this Privacy Policy.

It may be necessary to deviate from this general policy in unique situations. In such instances, a link with a description of the variation will be placed where it can be reasonably expected to be noticed prior to submitting any information for which this privacy policy is modified.

Anonymous Data Collection
This Website collects anonymous data that is not indicative of and cannot be traced to an individual without the cooperation of their Internet Service Provider (ISP). This data includes, but is not limited to:
Information about the user's remote IP address
Referral data (which page "linked" to the Website)
The browser software's user-agent string
The number of visits each month
Popular search terms used to access the site
This information is accepted passively through cookies (information sent by a web server to a web browser and stored by the browser) and the HTTP headers that are sent from the user when requesting any file from the server. The data is analyzed to derive general statistics about the site's reach and usage patterns. This information is used by the Director of Communications to improve the site and ensure that it is as helpful as possible to visitors.

Personally Identifiable Data
No attempt is made to covertly collect personally identifiable information, nor are cookies (or any other tracking technology) used for the purpose of coordinating information that a user may opt to enter in various interfaces on the site.

Personally identifiable data is collected only through the use of forms into which the user is asked to voluntarily enter information (e.g., event registrations) and is used only for the express purpose for which it was submitted. This information is requested only when it is necessary to accomplish the purpose indicated by the page of the Website that accepts it.

Data Sharing
Reports, statistics and other analyses of aggregate anonymous information may be shared within the WMS organization or provided to third parties at the sole discretion of WMS (e.g., for the purpose of redesigning the website or search engine optimization). This data does not include any personally identifiable information.

EXCEPTION: WMS reserves the right to use all information at its disposal and to share this information with ISPs and other third parties as necessary to investigate any violation of the Terms and Conditions of this Website.

Parents are required to read and agree to the cancellation/refund policy in order to complete registration for any session.