Refund Policy
-A non-refundable and non-transferrable deposit of $150 must be paid for each week selected. The deposit is deducted from the session fee total.
-Once the camper has been registered in their requested session(s), the $150.00 deposit fee per session is non-refundable.
-All refund requests must be made in writing and will be considered up to 14 days before the start of the camper’s session.
-Once the 14-day advance notice period is past, tuition refunds (less the deposit) will be granted only in the cases of camper sickness or a death in the camper’s family. We ask that a physician’s note or documentation accompany your written request.
-No refunds will be granted if campers do not arrive at camp when scheduled or who do not complete all required forms by due dates, resulting in cancellation of their registration.
-No refunds will be granted if a camper is sent home for medical or behavioral reasons included but not limited to: violating camp rules and policies, homesickness, non-compliance, or inability to adapt;
-A prorated refund will be considered for remaining camp stays if a camper becomes injured at camp and the Camp Health Director or Camp Director (or designee) determines that they are unable to participate in camp activities and must be sent home.
-Please note that requests for refunds will be subject to review and may take time to process.
-If a family must cancel a session (we understand that sometimes things happen or plans change), we ask that you notify our camp registrar as soon as possible. We often have families on a waiting list and would like to include their children at camp when possible.
-If the camp must cancel a session(s), refunds will be issued to participants. If a session had taken place for 3 or more days at the time of cancellation no refunds will be issued.